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CBD for animals - how oils support pets

CBD for animals – how do oils support pets?

CBD oils have become a popular dietary supplement not only among people. They have entered veterinary offices by storm, and veterinarians are increasingly willing to include them in the therapy of pets in order to improve their physical and mental condition. Where can you see the greatest effectiveness of CBD for animals?

The use of CBD in animals is based on its effect on the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is almost identical to that in humans. This system is responsible for regulating many basic body functions, such as mood, appetite, sleep, pain and immune reactions. CBD acts on ECS receptors, helping to restore balance in the body . And just like in humans, the effects of CBD are not clear for all animals - some respond better to lower doses, while others may need a longer period of use to achieve a therapeutic effect.

What animals can use CBD therapy?

CBD can be safely used on many mammals, including dogs, cats, and even horses. This group also includes rodents, including hamsters, guinea pigs and rabbits. CBD also has a great effect on birds and reptiles (lizards, turtles).

CBD treatment for animals – how can it help?

Animals also struggle with many diseases that can significantly impede their daily functioning. These are often chronic diseases such as arthritis, autoimmune diseases, neurological or behavioral problems. 

Such ailments not only reduce the quality of life of animals, but also pose a challenge to their caregivers, who must ensure appropriate treatment and alleviation of the effects of the disease. The problem becomes even more difficult if the disease is incurable and requires long-term palliative treatment or requires many months of behavioral therapy.

In such cases, owners often look for alternative or supportive therapies that can alleviate their animals' suffering and improve their quality of life. One such option is the use of CBD oils . Although oils are not a medicine, they can help relieve pain, inflammation, seizures and anxiety, which can significantly improve the animal's quality of life .

When can CBD oil be helpful?

  • Arthritis is a chronic disease that affects older animals, especially dogs and cats, causing pain and difficulty in moving and overcoming everyday obstacles. CBD, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, can help reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
  • Tumor . CBD is not a cure for cancer, but it does help your pet with the consequences of its treatment – ​​it relieves nausea, supports appetite, reduces pain and reduces anxiety.
  • Condition after surgery. For the same reasons as in the case of cancer, CBD oils for animals are recommended for certain post-operative conditions - they eliminate pain, have a soothing and calming effect.
  • Chronic cystitis in cats . Cats very often suffer from cystitis, which is extremely difficult to treat and is most often caused by long-term stress. The pain causes further stress and the healing seems to take forever. CBD oil provides support in such situations, as it reduces nervous tension, pain and stress.
  • Skin problems and allergies . The oil for topical use reduces itching, irritation, infections and accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis.
  • Appetite problems . CBD improves appetite and supports the digestive system.
  • Other behavioral problems are sometimes so mild that they only require CBD therapy. It helps reduce stress, reduces the intensity of anxiety, facilitates sleep, eliminates separation anxiety and noise-related phobias (e.g. storms, fireworks), and at the same time it is not as burdensome for the body as sedative drugs.

If you are looking for a natural alternative to comfort your pet, see the CBD oil options for pets in our store .

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