Dried Hemp
All dried hemp CBD and CBG available in our store come from Cannabis Sativa L plants grown in Poland, are laboratory tested and certified for quality. Our dried products contain only female cannabis flowers, without leaves and stems. They are hand-picked and selected and dried using natural methods. CBD and CBG dries have a broad terpene profile and a full spectrum of cannabinoids, with a THC content of less than 0.35 %.
Hemp Buch's CBD and CBG dries are certified as follows: POLISH PRODUCT, BIO Standard, Global GAP, HACCP, GACP.

Dried CBD and dried CBG full spectrum
CBD and CBG hemp dries. available in our store have the full chemical profile of cannabinoids - they are so-called full spectrum dries.
This means that in addition to the cannabinoids CBD and CBG, the percentages of which are listed in the product description, they contain all other cannabinoids that occur naturally in the Cannabis Sativa L. plant.
In addition to cannabinoids, each drought has a specific natural terpene profile and contains other valuable substances, such as flavonoids.
The substances found in dried hemp enhance each other's effects, allowing the best results to be achieved - this is known as the ambient effect.
Why smoke legal dried hemp CBD?
Hemp seed is a source of CBD and other hemp cannabinoids - active substances that can have beneficial effects on the human body.
These substances have a similar structure to endocannabinoids (molecules produced by the human body), thanks to which they bind to the appropriate receptors and regulate the work of the immune, nervous and endocrine systems, among others.
For more information about the effects of CBD on the human body, see here.
Dried CBD can be used at home to relieve pain and stress, as a sleep aid, to improve appetite or enhance concentration.
The recommended (healthier!) method of using dried hemp CBD is not smoking, but vaporization.
What does dried hemp CBD help with?
Dried hemp containing CBD can be used to support the treatment of many different ailments. Some of these are discussed in the Knowledge.
We refer to scientific studies on the use of CBD and dried hemp of full composition in various disease states, such as depression, anxiety, neuropathic pain, inflammation of various origins, insomnia, eating disorders.
How does CBD affect the brain?
CBD is a hemp cannabinoid - a substance that is very similar to endocannabinoids produced by the human body.
This allows them to bind to the same receptors in the body that endocannabinoids bind to and affect various systems, including the nervous system (including the brain).
There is scientific data showing the beneficial effects of CBD on the cognitive processes and memoryproperties antidepressants i anti-anxiety, and even antipsychotics.
The effect of CBD and other hemp cannabinoids is to regulate processes in the body, including the brain. For example, in the case of depression, CBD (in appropriate doses) can influence the maintenance of adequate levels of serotonin in the parts of the brain where it has an antidepressant effect.
How does a person feel after CBD?
CBD does not have a psychoactive effect - we will not experience after it the kind of states that are usually associated with marijuana.
However, legal dried hemp CBD can have a calming effect, relieve stress and can benefit mood and overall well-being.
What do doctors think about CBD?
Over the past 10 years, more than 32,000 scientific studies have been conducted on hemp, and there is a wealth of data supporting the effectiveness of CBD in treating various diseases and ailments.
Knowledge is spreading and a growing number of doctors are becoming convinced to use hemp therapy.
It is important to remember that hemp and marijuana are loaded with many myths and negative associations that do not escape the medical community. However, with the growing amount of solid scientific data that confirms the benefits of dried hemp, this is changing.
What is the difference between CBD and marijuana?
CBD hemp seed comes from varieties of the plant that have low levels of THC - they are not psychoactive, they do not cause the experience of a "high".
Marijuana, on the other hand, is referred to as cannabis dry derived from plants with high concentrations of THC, which has psychoactive effects.
When it comes to the appearance and smell of dried hemp CBD and marijuana are difficult to distinguish. In order to distinguish them, one would have to perform a test of their chemical composition in a laboratory.
What not to combine CBD with?
The systematic use of CBD during treatment with antidepressants can interfere with the effects of the drugs, so it is advised against combining them without consulting a doctor.
It's also a good idea to be careful about combining CBD with tobacco - there was a study that showed that this combination can exacerbate depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms. For more information on this topic, see here.
What are the side effects of CBD?
CBD is a substance that has extremely few side effects and causes few side effects.
If the raw material - dried or cannabis oil - is of good quality, taken in a thoughtful way (such as vaporization instead of smoking), there is a negligible likelihood of side effects.
CBD hemp seed also cannot be overdosed in such a way as to cause health or life risks, but it is recommended to survive the daily doses suggested by the manufacturer for optimal results.
Is dried hemp CBD legal in Poland?
Hemp CBD dried with a THC content of less than 0.3% is legal in Poland. Possession of hemp CBD dried is not punishable.
Police have no right to detain for dried and blended CBD (although if you carry it in a non-original package, it may take some time to determine that it is actually dried CBD).
What is the strongest dried hemp?
CBD and CBG hemp dries. can have different percentages of cannabinoids, there are driers on the market that contain 2% CBD, as well as driers that contain 50%.
The choice of dry depends on the reason for which you want to use it. If it is to be part of the treatment of some ailment, it is worth consulting a doctor.
After how long does hemp CBD dryness work?
CBD hemp seed It works immediately after taking it. However, in order to achieve the desired effects, it may be necessary to increase the dosage (e.g. by 20mg of CBD once a week) and use the dried product for a longer period of time in the accepted scheme (e.g. vaporization 2 x a day).
Dry vaporizer - what is the best way to smoke CBD hemp dry?
The best way to take hemp CBD dried for health is vaporization. This avoids inhaling harmful substances produced during combustion. You can find the vaporizer dry just in this category!
Where to buy good quality legal hemp CBD dried?
CBG dried It is available both online and in stationary stores. When choosing dried hemp, it is worth paying attention to what crop it comes from, whether it has certificates and current laboratory tests.
CBD hemp dries Hemp Buch meet these criteria: they come from Polish certified BIO crops and are laboratory tested. Current test results are available on the product pages in our store.
CBD vaporization, or dried hemp flowers rich in cannabidiol (CBD), is a product gaining popularity for its potential health-promoting properties. While research on CBD is still ongoing, there are many indications that it may be helpful in alleviating the symptoms of many medical conditions. nettle vaporization, nettle vaporization, nettle vaporization
What is CBD?
CBD (cannabidiol) is one of many chemical compounds found in hemp. Unlike THC, CBD does not have a psychoactive effect, meaning it does not cause a "high."
What does dried CBD help with?
Research on CBD is still ongoing, but there are many indications that it may be helpful in alleviating the symptoms of many conditions, including:
- Pain: CBD can exhibit analgesic effects, especially for chronic and neuropathic pain.
- Anxiety and stress: CBD can have a calming effect and reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress and nervousness.
- Insomnia: CBD can make it easier to fall asleep, increase sleep duration and improve sleep quality.
- Acne: CBD can have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, which can be helpful in treating acne.
- Autoimmune diseases: CBD can alleviate symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.
- Epilepsy: CBD can be helpful in treating some types of epilepsy, especially in children.
- Other potential uses: CBD can also be used to relieve symptoms of depression, nausea, nausea and vomiting, as well as for neurodegenerative protection.
However, it is important to remember that research on CBD is still ongoing and its effectiveness in treating various conditions is not fully proven.
It is important to consult your doctor before using CBD dried, especially if you are taking other medications.
How to use dried CBD?
Dried CBD can be used in a variety of ways, including:
- Vaporization: Vaporization is the most popular way to use dried CBD. It involves heating the dried product to a temperature where the active substances are released, which are then inhaled. In our store you will find vaporizer dryer - we encourage you to check it out.
- Tea: CBD dried can be brewed like tea and drunk.
- CBD oil: CBD oil is a concentrated form of CBD that can be consumed orally or applied topically.
- CBD capsules: CBD capsules are an easy and convenient way to take CBD.
Dry smoking - what is the dosage?
The dosage of dried CBD depends on a number of factors, such as individual needs, the strength of the product and how it is used. Start with a low dose and gradually increase it if necessary.
It is important to buy smoking dry from a trusted source to ensure that it is of high quality and does not contain harmful substances.
Remember that dry smoking is not a drug and should not replace a healthy diet and lifestyle.