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How to take CBD? Get to know the 4 most popular methods and find a method for yourself!

How to take CBD? Get to know the 4 most popular methods and find a method for yourself!


How to take CBD? Get to know the 4 most popular methods and find a method for yourself!

CBD products are becoming more and more popular. No wonder, CBD is widely used on many levels.

It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties, which is why CBD products are often used as a complement to pharmacological therapy - or even as a replacement. While taking medications usually comes with a long list of side effects, with CBD you don't have to worry about these. It is safe, non-addictive and cannot be overdosed.

Although the most popular products containing CBD are, of course, natural oils , cannabinoids can also be taken in other forms. Thanks to this, everyone can find a method that works best for them. Learn how to take CBD and choose the method for you!

Ways to take CBD

There are several ways to take the CBD cannabinoid , all to meet the individual needs of each user. Each of these methods is slightly different from each other - not only in the way the substance is taken, but also in the duration of the effects and the speed of their occurrence.

How to find the best way to take CBD for yourself?

You just have to keep trying. Thanks to a wide range of products, you can try each method and choose the one that works best for you. You can also freely combine selected methods, so the experience will be different each time. What are the most popular ways to take CBD?

  • oral use
  • vaporization using dried herbs
  • sublingual administration
  • topical CBD use

Oral use of CBD

This is the most popular method of taking CBD. It is simple, effective and completely uncomplicated. CBD oils are most often taken in this way , but this is not the only CBD product for oral use. Also available on the market are:

Is oral CBD effective?

Of course! However, it is worth remembering that when taking CBD orally, you usually have to wait about 1-2 hours for the effects. The substance has to go a long way through the digestive tract to start working, but its effect lasts much longer than in the case of other methods of taking CBD .

CBD vaporization

Vaporization involves heating the herb so as to release all the active substances by inhaling the odorless vapor into the lungs. Thanks to this, cannabinoids enter the body directly . At the same time, there is no combustion process, so the method is safe and definitely healthier than traditional smoking. CBD penetrates the lungs and works almost immediately. Vaping supporters also point out that because the effects are felt quickly, you can inhale to achieve the effect you want - in addition, vaping is really relaxing. However, it is worth remembering that although the effect is felt very quickly, it lasts much shorter than, for example, oral use.

Topical CBD use

This method is most often chosen by people struggling with skin problems, such as atopic dermatitis or eczema, but not only that. Hemp cosmetics also have a moisturizing and soothing effect, which is why they are also perfect for everyday care. There is a wide range of CBD-based cosmetic products available on the market, such as:


  • balms
  • massage oils
  • serum
  • shampoos and conditioners

Using cosmetics with CBD is safe and effective, and the effects are visible almost immediately. Importantly, when used topically, CBD does not penetrate the bloodstream and only affects the skin. It is responsible for maintaining its proper functioning, ensuring elasticity and hydration.

CBD – sublingual intake

If you want discretion but also quick action, applying CBD oil may be the perfect method for you. This is a simple method that does not require any prior preparation. Just use a pipette to place the appropriate dose of CBD oil under your tongue and wait a few minutes for the first effects.

Due to direct contact with the mucous membranes, CBD is absorbed very quickly, so you feel the effect after a while. The bioavailability of CBD when using this method is approximately 40-50% (for comparison, when used orally, the bioavailability is only approximately 20%), so you can be sure that you are getting a high dose of the substance each time. And although the effect lasts for a shorter time than in the case of oral use, it is perfect for fans of simplicity and efficiency.

Can different methods of taking CBD be combined?

Definitely yes! The best example here is, of course, the most popular CBD oils. In fact, when using each oil, you combine the sublingual and oral methods. First, the drops go under your tongue, then you swallow the remainder. Thanks to this, you feel the effect quickly and the effect lasts much longer. By combining different methods, you can find a combination that is perfect for you and will allow you to achieve the effect you need.

As you can see, there are many ways to take CBD products and each of them brings many benefits for you, your body and your well-being. Which method will be best for you? You'll have to check this out for yourself, but if you need to know more, write to us. We will help!



  1. […] that if you are already taking any prescription medications, you should consult your doctor before you also start taking CBD. Additionally, choose only […]

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