CANNABIS FLOWER hibiscus and lavender GreenMornings

29,00 zloty

This product is aimed at people who want to experience harmony between body and spirit.

Thanks to the synergy of ingredients, HEMP FLOWER tea, hibiscus, lavender helps relax and unwind.

The holistic effect of this tea is to balance the mind and body, which contributes to overall well-being.

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CANNABIS FLOWER hibiscus and lavender
HEMP FLOWER hibiscus and lavender GreenMornings PLN 29.00

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CANNABIS FLOWER hibiscus, lavender is a composition that takes you to the land of nature and harmony. Composed of unique ingredients: hemp, inflorescences and leaves of the valued Finola variety, known for its extraordinary properties and unique aroma. In its composition you will also find hibiscus flowers with a beautiful, intense color and sour taste, as well as lavender flowers with a wonderful color and a captivating scent.

Product Advantages:

This product is aimed at people who want to experience harmony between body and spirit.

Thanks to the synergy of ingredients, HEMP FLOWER tea, hibiscus, lavender helps relax and unwind.

The holistic effect of this tea is to balance the mind and body, which contributes to overall well-being.

Experience like never before:

HEMP FLOWER Hibiscus and Lavender tea is an incomparable experience. It resembles a walk among a blooming garden, where every scent is like the breath of nature. This composition hides the power of hemp, the delicacy of hibiscus and the peace of lavender. This is the moment when you immerse yourself in deep meditation, feeling the energy of nature fully surround you.

Distinguishing features of CANNABIS :

  • Hand-picked hemp inflorescences and leaves. 
  • Delicate herbal aroma. 
  • It does not contain preservatives or artificial additives. 
  • The package contains 50 g of dried herb. 
  • 100% Polish product. 
  • Pesticide-free. 
  • Free from heavy metals. 

CANNABIS FLOWER hibiscus, lavender is not only tea, but above all an experience. It is addressed to people who want to experience full harmony of body and mind, find a moment of peace in a fast-paced world and take care of their health in a natural and holistic way.

Hemp, which is the main ingredient of this tea, has been valued for centuries for its relaxing and soothing properties. They help to naturally eliminate stress and tension, introducing a state of deep relaxation. Hibiscus, in turn, is known for its beneficial effect on the circulatory system and its ability to hydrate the body. Its sour taste adds freshness and refreshment to the tea. Lavender, with its captivating aroma, soothes the nerves, supports healthy sleep and helps regenerate the body after a hard day.

By choosing CANNABIS FLOWER hibiscus, lavender , you reach for a composition that combines tradition and modernity, care for health and a moment of relaxation. It is the perfect choice for those who want to combine pleasure with health benefits.

Cannabinoids : The Finola variety is a rich source of cannabinoids such as: Cannabidiol (CBD), Cannabichromene (CBC), the acid form of CBG - cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) and many others. Each of these cannabinoids may have their own unique properties and potential health benefits.

Cannabidiol (CBD) : CBD has many potential health benefits, such as relieving pain, reducing inflammation, and improving overall well-being.

Terpenes : Terpenes are naturally occurring chemicals that give plants, including cannabis, their characteristic aromas and flavors. Terpenes also have potential health benefits and may influence the effects of cannabinoids.

Vitamins and minerals : Hemp contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin E, vitamin B, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

Hibiscus flowers 

Organic acids : Hibiscus flowers are rich in organic acids, including hibiscus acid, citric acid, malic acid and ascorbic acid (vitamin C). These acids give hibiscus infusion its characteristic taste and help regulate the body's pH.

Anthocyanins : This is a group of chemical compounds that give hibiscus flowers their intense red color. Anthocyanins are also powerful antioxidants that may help protect cells from oxidative damage.

Flavonoids : Hibiscus contains various flavonoids such as quercetin, rutin and catechins. Flavonoids are antioxidants with potential health benefits such as improving blood circulation and supporting the immune system.

Vitamin C : Hibiscus flowers are a rich source of vitamin C, which is essential for strengthening immunity, protecting against infections and improving skin health.

Polyphenols : Hibiscus contains various polyphenols, which are antioxidant compounds with potential health benefits, including the heart and circulatory system.

Minerals : Hibiscus flowers provide certain minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, which are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Fruit acids : Hibiscus flowers also contain various fruit acids, which give the infusion its characteristic taste and aroma.

Lavender flowers 

Essential Oils : Lavender contains rich amounts of essential oils, including linalool, linalool acetate, camphene and borneol. It is the essential oils that give lavender its characteristic scent and have a soothing effect on the nervous system.

Linalool : This is the main component of lavender essential oils and has relaxing and calming properties. This is one of the reasons why lavender is often used in aromatherapy to relieve stress and insomnia.

Flavonoids : Lavender contains various flavonoids, which are antioxidants and may help protect cells from oxidative damage.

Tannins : Tannins are chemical compounds that can affect the flavor and effect of lavender. They have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Cineol : This is another ingredient in lavender essential oils that may help relieve symptoms of colds and runny noses.

Rosmarinic acid : Lavender contains rosmarinic acid, which is an antioxidant and may help protect cells from oxidative stress.

Relaxing factors : Lavender can affect the nervous system, helping to reduce tension and stress. It is often used for aromatherapy, massage and relaxation baths.

Phenolic acids: Lavender contains phenolic acids, which have antibacterial and antiviral properties.

We suggest pouring a teaspoon of dried CANNABIS FLOWER, hibiscus, lavender (approx. 1 g) into a cup and then pouring hot water (75-80° C) over it. After about 5 minutes, when all the properties and substances are released from the hemp, the infusion is ready.

HEMP FLOWER hibiscus, lavender mixture was created with the safety and well-being of its users in mind. Here is some key information about the safe use of this herbal combination:

Legality : The Finola hemp used in this mixture comes from organic farming. It is worth making sure that the herbal mixture complies with applicable legal regulations in a given country or region.

No psychoactive substances : The mixture does not contain psychoactive substances that may cause psychoactive effects. In the case of Finola hemp, the levels of such substances are minimal or absent.

Individual reactions : Each body may react differently to herbs. Therefore, there is a possibility of individual sensitivity or intolerance to specific ingredients. Before starting to use this mixture, it is recommended to consult your doctor or pharmacist, especially if you have any existing medical conditions or take any medications regularly.


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