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Research on the use of hemp cannabinoids, including: CBD in people with Alzheimer's disease shows that they can slow down the progression of the disease, improve cognitive abilities and well-being of patients.

CBD in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Research on the use of hemp cannabinoids, including: CBD in people with Alzheimer's disease shows that they can slow down the progression of the disease, improve cognitive abilities and well-being of patients.

CBD for the treatment of insomnia and other sleep disorders.

CBD for the treatment of insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Insomnia is one of the types of sleep disorders, along with, among others: excessive sleepiness, frequent waking up and disruption of the circadian sleep-wake cycle. Sleep disorders as such often co-occur with other mental disorders, e.g. depression and somatic diseases. There are a number of paths to treating insomnia, CBD and other hemp cannabinoids are being investigated for use in the treatment of sleep disorders.

Depression - how can cannabis help treatment?

Depression – how can cannabis help treatment?

According to WHO, depression will soon be the most common disease in the world. It affects over 350 million people and most often affects people aged 20-40. Every year, over 800,000 depressed people commit suicide. Medical cannabis is an increasingly popular method of treating depression or is used to support other therapeutic methods.

Types of eating disorders - can CBD help in treatment?

Types of eating disorders – can CBD help in treatment?

According to the 11th edition of the World Health Organization's classification of diseases, ICD-11, there are several types of eating disorders in adolescents and adults, of which the three most frequently diagnosed are: anorexia, bulimia and binge eating. Scientific research confirms that CBD can complement the treatment of eating disorders, e.g. as an addition to psychotherapy.

Starving yourself, lack of appetite, overeating - can CBD help treat eating disorders

Starving yourself, lack of appetite, overeating – can CBD help treat eating disorders?

Emotions are one of the factors influencing our relationship with food, and difficulty regulating one's own emotional states is a common symptom of eating disorders. In some forms of eating disorders, hemp phytocannabinoids CBD and THC may have a beneficial effect on the physical and mental health of patients, regulate appetite and the amount of food consumed.

CBD and THC for the treatment of anxiety

CBD and THC for the treatment of anxiety

Table of contents Medical cannabis and cannabis extracts are gaining popularity as substances supporting the treatment of anxiety disorders. The number of scientific studies on this topic is also constantly growing. Internet messages regarding the use of dried hemp or hemp extracts for anxiety are contradictory: some claim that THC and CBD worsen anxiety, others believe that they alleviate it. first […]

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What is medical marijuana?

What is medical marijuana? The difference between medicinal marijuana and recreational marijuana Medical marijuana – for whom and how to get a prescription? The process of registering for an e-visit with a doctor. Activities of the Hemp Clinic What is medical marijuana? Medical marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) is a species of plant from the hemp family. Dried female inflorescences are used for therapy, in which the main substances [...]

Microdosing / microdosing – what is it and what substances can be microdosed?

Microdosing / microdosing – what is it and what substances can be microdosed?

Table of contents Microdosing is a word that appears more and more often in the discussion about the treatment of mental disorders using psychedelics. Most often, people talk about microdosing LSD, THC and psilocybin, but there are also studies on microdosing MDMA and ketamine. Each of these substances, to a greater or lesser extent, offers hope for new therapeutic paths in […]

How to make chocolate with CBD?

How to make chocolate with CBD?

CBD chocolate is a delicious and easy way to enjoy the benefits of CBD. CBD chocolate is made by adding CBD oil to chocolate. This creates a delicious treat that can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere. CBD chocolate is a great option for those who want to enjoy the benefits of CBD without the psychoactive effects of THC. CBD chocolate […]

Where is the best place to store CBD oil?

Where is the best place to store CBD oil?

There are a few things to consider when determining the best place to store your CBD oil. The first is temperature. CBD oil should be stored in a cool, dark place to maintain its potency and freshness. A refrigerator is ideal, but a cool pantry or cupboard will work just as well. The second thing to consider is […]

How to roll a joint?

How to roll a joint?

How to roll a joint? Materials needed: Tissue paper Dried hemp Herb grinder (optional) Filter (optional) Cardboard (optional) Instructions: Prepare the herb: Grind the dried hemp into small pieces, preferably using a herb grinder. Prepare the tissue paper: Place the tissue paper on a flat surface, glue side down. Add the dried herb: Place the appropriate amount of ground dried herb on the tissue paper, approximately in the middle. Form a joint: […]

Does CBD help with sleep?

Does CBD help with sleep?

CBD oil is gaining popularity as a natural remedy for a variety of health ailments, including anxiety, pain, and insomnia. But does it also help you fall asleep? Research into CBD and sleep is still in its early stages, but there is promising evidence that it can help people sleep better. One study involving people suffering from […]

CBD for migraines?

CBD for migraines?

CBD for migraine is a promising treatment option. Although there is not yet enough scientific evidence to confirm its effectiveness, many people who have tried it report significant symptom relief. Moreover, CBD is considered safe and well-tolerated, with few side effects. One of the main reasons why CBD for migraines is gaining popularity is […]

Hemp - and its history

Hemp – and its history

Hemp is a plant that has been used for various purposes for centuries. Hemp belongs to the Cannabis sativa family, which also includes marijuana. However, unlike marijuana, hemp contains only trace amounts of the psychoactive compound THC and is therefore not considered a drug. Hemp has been used for centuries to produce rope, paper and fabric. In last […]

How to make CBD brownies?

How to make CBD brownies?

If you want to add something special to your cookies, why not try CBD? Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a non-toxic compound found in cannabis that has many health benefits. Adding CBD to brownies is a great way to enjoy the benefits of CBD while enjoying a delicious treat! Here's how to make CBD cookies: Ingredients: […]

How to make CBD cookies?

How to make CBD cookies?

CBD-infused cookies are a delicious and easy way to enjoy the benefits of CBD. Making your own CBD cookies is easy and only requires a few ingredients. Here's how to make CBD cookies at home: 1. Preheat the oven to 180'C 2. In a bowl, mix together 1 cup of flour, 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder and 1/4 [...]

All about CBD – what is it?

All about CBD – what is it?

CBD – table of contents Is CBD oil legal in Poland? CBD oil is legal in Poland as long as it contains less than 0.2% THC. However, selling and possessing CBD oil is still technically illegal. The Polish government has not yet issued any regulations regarding CBD oil, so the legal status of CBD oil is currently in a gray area. Expects […]

What does CBD mean?

What does CBD mean?

It is one of many cannabinoids found in cannabis. Unlike THC, cannabidiol does not have psychoactive properties. This means it won't make you feel any psychoactive effects. Cannabidiol has been shown to have many potential health benefits, including: reduces inflammation, relieves pain and improves anxiety and sleep disorders. Cannabidiol is just one of many cannabinoids […]

Vaporizers – what is it?

Vaporizers – what is it?

A vaporizer is a device used to heat cannabis products to produce a therapeutic effect. Vaporizers can be used for dried herb, oil or wax concentrates. How a vaporizer works The vaporizer works by heating cannabis products to a temperature lower than the combustion point, but high enough to extract the desired cannabinoids and terpenes from the plant. As a result […]

CBG, what cannabinoid is it?

CBG, what cannabinoid is it?

CBG (cannabigerol) is a cannabinoid found in hemp plants. Unlike THC and CBD, CBG does not have a psychoactive effect. However, it does have some potential therapeutic benefits, such as reducing inflammation and pain. CBG is thought to interact with the body's endocannabinoid system, which is involved in regulating many different functions, including mood, appetite, […]

What is CBD herb?

What is CBD herb?

CBD herb: What is it and what are its properties? CBD dried flowers and leaves of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), rich in cannabidiol (CBD) - a natural chemical compound with a wide spectrum of potential health benefits. Unlike marijuana, CBD herb contains trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive component of cannabis, which means that it does not cause […]

How to find a good CBD store?

How to find a good CBD store?

How to choose a CBD store? A good cbd store should offer high-quality products that are safe and effective. He should also have a good reputation and be trustworthy. The following article provides some tips on how to find a good cbd shop. First, make sure that the cbd store offers high-quality products. They should be safe and effective, as well as [...]

What are cannabis terpenes

What are cannabis terpenes?

List of Terpenes Cannabis terpenes are aromatic oils that can be found in all plants. They are responsible for the characteristic smell and taste of cannabis and also have a significant role to play in the effects it has on the plant. Hemp contains approximately 100 different terpenes, and the most concentrated ones are geraniol, myrcene, and limonene. Terpenes have the effect [...]

How to make CBD gummies?

How to make CBD gummies?

CBD gummies are a great and tasty way to consume cannabis. They are easy to make and also great for dosing. Additionally, jellies also have something about them that is fun and funny when we take them out of the can. To make CBD gummies, you will need: – gelatin; – hemp oil or other vegetable oil; – […]

How does CBD work?

How does CBD work?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural component of hemp that acts on the human body in a very similar way to other known medicinal substances obtained from hemp, such as THC or CBN. CBD has strong anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, and also helps in the treatment of anxiety and neurosis. CBD can be used both internally and externally – on […]

CBD – properties. What is CBD?

CBD – properties. What is CBD?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a chemical compound from the cannabinoid family. It is present in hemp and is one of the main ingredients of hemp oil. Hemp oil with CBD has many valuable medicinal properties, which is why it is becoming more and more popular. What are its properties and how to use CBD hemp oil? CBD – properties CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, soothes […]

How to take CBD? Get to know the 4 most popular methods and find a method for yourself!

How to take CBD? Get to know the 4 most popular methods and find a method for yourself!

Index How to take CBD? Get to know the 4 most popular methods and find a method for yourself! CBD products are becoming more and more popular. No wonder, CBD is widely used on many levels. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety properties, which is why CBD products are often used as a complement to pharmacological therapy - or even as a replacement. While taking medications […]

CBD oils – everything you want to know but are afraid to ask!

CBD oils – everything you want to know but are afraid to ask!

Since CBD-based oils have gained so much popularity by storm, a lot of questions have surely arisen in your head. What exactly is it? Does it really work? Does it work like marijuana and what if you become addicted? Don't worry, actually everyone asks themselves exactly the same questions at the beginning - it's completely normal! Instead […]

CBD and social anxiety – can CBD oils help get rid of anxiety?

CBD and social anxiety – can CBD oils help get rid of anxiety?

You know that feeling when you're standing in the middle of a crowded shopping mall and suddenly you feel anxious? You cannot name it or define it. You don't know where or why he appeared, but you know that all you want is to escape. You feel the world around you start to spin, you feel nauseous, you feel like you're going to faint. Sounds familiar? This […]

Endometriosis treatment – ​​can CBD help?

Endometriosis treatment – ​​can CBD help?

Endometriosis is a disease that affects approximately 15% of women around the world - and although this number is really high, no effective drug or therapy has yet been developed. Women can only minimize the painful and unpleasant effects, but most of the available methods affect their health in other ways. So is there a natural remedy that helps [...]

Boveda sachets - regulation of the humidity level of dried fruits - what is it?

Boveda sachets - regulation of the humidity level of dried fruits - what is it?

An innovative solution for stabilizing humidity and protecting dried herbs. BOVEDA sachets will protect you against the loss of what you love - terpenes, aroma and taste effect. Place Boveda in the Humidity Control container comes in a variety of sizes to suit your storage needs.100% Terpene and Flavor ProtectionBOVEDA creates a natural protective layer, keeping your valuable terpenes safe. Guarantee of fresh flowersThe intense aroma of flowers will […]

CBD for the treatment of chronic pain

CBD for the treatment of chronic pain

Our lifestyles have changed significantly, especially at a time when so many people have switched to remote work. Sitting in front of a computer for several hours, lacking movement and adopting uncomfortable positions leads not only to fatigue, but also to inflammation and degeneration, which manifests itself in the form of chronic pain. More and more often we complain about chronic ailments [...]

Can CBD relieve allergy symptoms?

Can CBD relieve allergy symptoms?

According to the latest research, allergies are the 7th most common chronic disease among people. This means that every year billions of people struggle with allergic reactions and their unpleasant symptoms. Current therapies prove to be more or less effective, but allergy sufferers are still trying to find new ways to relieve themselves in difficult moments. And no wonder! Allergic symptoms […]

CBD and ADHD – is it a good combination?

CBD and ADHD – is it a good combination?

It is said that research on the effects of CBD is still "in its infancy" - mainly because the range of possibilities of using cannabinoids is so wide that we will not be able to discover their full potential for many years. However, it is already known that CBD can effectively help fight many ailments. Will it prove to be an alternative to existing therapies [...]

How does CBD affect sleep and insomnia?

How does CBD affect sleep and insomnia?

According to the latest research, up to 50% (!) of people struggle with sleep problems and insomnia. This means that almost half of our society, at some point in their lives, experiences problems with the quality and frequency of sleep. These data are terrifying, because everyone knows how important sleep is for the proper functioning of the body. How […]

How to make coffee with CBD?

How to make coffee with CBD?

Coffee with CBD is a delicious and healthy combination that combines the taste and stimulating effects of coffee with the relaxing and soothing properties of cannabidiol (CBD). Ingredients: 250 ml of freshly brewed coffee 1 teaspoon of CBD oil (concentration 10-20%) Milk or cream (optional) Sugar or honey (optional) Preparation: Brew coffee using your favorite method. Add CBD oil to a cup of […]

Does THC lower testosterone levels?

Does THC lower testosterone levels?

There is a popular narrative circulating around the anti-cannabis lobby - that increasing legal access to marijuana, medical or otherwise, will lead to a male fertility crisis with plummeting testosterone and supercooled and rather directionless sperm. However, if we turn to available human data, any media hysteria about marijuana seems largely unfounded. Instead […]

What should we know about marijuana?

What should we know about marijuana?

Doctors Marcin Czekała and Mikołaj Kolasiński talk about marijuana, THC, its effect on the brain, and the use of marijuana in treatment. Take a look at our social media! Facebook: Instagram:

What is CBC?

What is CBC?

A cannabinoid that is not as widely known as others, but that will probably change soon. An inconspicuous substance that works completely differently than THC or CBD. Why? What is CBC? CBC, like other cannabinoids, is found in the hemp plant. However, it is clearly different from most of the cannabinoids we know, all because of its way […]

What is CBN?

What is CBN?

The cannabinoid CBN is a byproduct of THC degradation. However, contrary to appearances, this does not mean that it loses its properties - on the contrary. You may find that CBN is the cannabinoid you are looking for. Find out why! What is CBN? Cannabiol (CBN) is formed when THC ages - it is a byproduct of its degradation. THC ages in significant amounts and […]

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