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What is CBG?

What is CBG?

It is a common cannabinoid found in essentially all varieties of cannabis plants. What do we know about this cannabinoid and its effects? What is CBG? Like all primary cannabinoids, CBG is produced in the cannabis plant as CBGA. This is how CBGA gained the nickname "the mother of all cannabinoids". Like CBD, CBG is called a substance that does not […]

THC and THCV: what are they and how do they differ?

THC and THCV: what are they and how do they differ?

There are still many unknowns about cannabinoids, but one thing is certain - the more we know, the better we can adapt the preparation to individual needs. Scientists are constantly discovering new therapeutic effects of chemicals contained in cannabis. One of the recently discovered compounds is the cannabinoid THCV, which has been officially announced as a healthier and safer alternative to THC. Why? What is THC? […]

CBD vs CBG – differences

CBD vs CBG – differences

Just a few years ago, CBG was one of the rarest and most expensive cannabinoids available. This has recently changed with new genetics and the availability of high CBG cannabis strains. This once exotic cannabinoid is now available as CBG oil and flower at prices competitive with CBD products. While research on the benefits of CBD numbers in the thousands, […]

Cannabinoids: what are they and how do they work?

Cannabinoids: what are they and how do they work?

It's no secret that hemp has many different uses. This is all due to hemp's ability to produce a wide range of chemicals. Over 500 of them have been identified in the plant. Some of them are also common in other plants, such as terpenes and flavonoids responsible for the taste and smell of cannabis. However, 144 of the chemicals in cannabis are cannabinoids. […]

Does CBD help with nausea?

Does CBD help with nausea?

It is already known that CBD has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, but research is still ongoing on further properties of the substance. It turns out that the cannabinoid CBD may also be effective in treating nausea. CBD and nausea Research on the effectiveness of CBD in the fight against nausea is at an advanced stage, but has not yet been conducted on humans. Recent animal studies […]

CBD: a way to treat migraines

CBD: a way to treat migraines

One of the unique therapeutic properties of the CBD cannabinoid is its analgesic effect, also in the case of chronic, troublesome pain, such as that experienced by migraine attacks. Can taking CBD be a way to treat migraines? CBD and Migraine The endocannabinoid system is an important biological system involved in maintaining a healthy state of balance in the human body called homeostasis. A system consisting of […]

CBD: does it help treat depression?

CBD: does it help treat depression?

Research on depression - the effects of CBD There are speculations that CBD may be particularly helpful in the treatment of depression - it has most of the properties of THC, but without the psychoactive effect. A study published in 2018 analyzed the effects of CBD in the fight against depression in rodents - it was found that even a single dose can cause rapid and lasting […]

How to brew hemp CBD tea?

How to brew hemp CBD tea?

Given its health benefits, CBD tea is growing in availability and popularity. It usually has a pleasant taste that resembles regular tea. But everyone has different tastes. A simple way to brew a better-tasting and more effective cup of CBD tea is to use a prepared blend. Also called hemp tea, it may offer medicinal benefits for some people. Cannabidiol […]

Acne – treatment with hemp and CBD

Acne – treatment with hemp and CBD

Hemp is a real treasure trove of health-promoting and therapeutic activities. But can hemp also affect the condition of our skin? Of course. This is all due to the extraordinary operation of the endocannabinoid system in our body - it is thanks to it that our receptors respond so well to cannabinoid substances. The Cannabinoid System and the Skin It seems that in the case of the skin and all […]

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